What Causes Dizziness?

What Causes Dizziness

Dizziness is defined as the feeling of being lightheaded, unbalanced, and foggy. Dizziness affects sensory organs such as ears or eyes, which can result in unconsciousness. Dizziness is a symptom rather than a disease. Disequilibrium is the loss of equilibrium or balance and vertigo where you feel like spinning can result in dizziness that can cause fainting. Dizziness is common, and in most cases, it is not severe, but frequent dizziness means that you are undergoing a critical medical condition. So what causes dizziness?

Dizziness can occur due to medications, excess alcohol intake, and migraine headaches. Dizziness can also occur due to imbalance within the inner ear, which helps in maintaining the balance. Dizziness can also occur due to vertigo, but vertigo related to dizziness is mostly due to benign positional vertigo. Vertigo can lead to short-term dizziness when you change postures frequently. Dizziness can also occur due to Meniere’s disease, where the fluid builds up within the ear along with the hearing loss, fullness of the ear, or tinnitus. Dizziness can also occur due to acoustic neuroma, which is a type of noncancerous tumor which forms over the nerves that connect the brain and ear.

There are various other causes of dizziness like an immediate drop in blood pressure either due to intense physical activity, low blood sugar levels, stressful situations. Dizziness can occur due to heart muscle diseases like cardiomyopathy, which is defined as a progressive condition of the heart muscles. In such cases, the cardiac muscles are unable to pump blood throughout the body efficiently. Cardiomyopathy can result in dizziness, irregular heartbeat, heart valve issue, or heart failure. Reduction in blood volume can also lead to dizziness. Anemia is a condition where the red blood cell count within the blood is quite low due to which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood reduces, and less amount of oxygen is received by the vital organs leading to fainting or dizziness. Anxiety disorders can also result in dizziness, where the person responds to stressful conditions. Anxiety can either be the fear to go for the job, give a presentation to the client or other stressful situations where your anxiety level peaks up.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can lead to dizziness. Hypoglycemia is commonly seen in diabetic patients who are on medicines as these medications increase the insulin levels within the body. Skipping meals, consuming excess medications, or indulging in intense exercises can also cause dizziness. An ear infection can affect your middle ear and lead to pain and inflammation and, ultimately, dizziness if it affects the part of the ear involved in balance along with the equilibrium of the body. Dehydration can lead to dizziness as excess fluid is lost from the body either due to vomiting, sweating, heatstroke, or diarrhea. Motion sickness is the feeling where you feel foggy during traveling. The sense organs of your body start sending mixed messages to the brain where you might feel nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. Excessive exercise is considered an unhealthy habit that can lead to severe weight loss and, ultimately, dizziness. When you become an exercise addict, you depend on the chemicals which are released during exercises like dopamine and endorphins. Lack of sleep can also lead to dizziness as sleep is essential for mental as well as physical health, and if you don’t rest appropriately, you might feel foggy. 

In rare conditions, dizziness can also occur due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain disorders, or malignant tumor. If you are regularly suffering from dizziness, then you should consult the healthcare professional and get yourself treated immediately. 

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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