What Are Benign Tumors?

Benign Tumors

Many people confuse benign tumors as cancerous tumors. But in actual, Benign tumor is not harmful as a malignant tumor, it is just abnormal growth of cells which serves no purpose, it does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts like cancerous tumors. Typically cells grow when the body needed them, and old cells after completing their life die, and new cells take their place. Abnormally if the cells multiply when the body doesn’t need them, and old cells don’t die in the right time they form tumor by dividing in abnormal numbers. Anyone can have a benign tumor, including children, but adults are most likely to have them.

A benign tumor can be formed anywhere in the body, sometimes you get alarmed feeling further growth from outside, considering it cancerous, but most of the tumors in the body are benign, especially in your breast. Occasionally, benign tumor requires treatment, but other time they are just unnecessary growth. It can be severe if they press vital organs like blood vessels and brain. Even though most benign tumors are harmless, but it should be monitored from time to time; if they overgrow or increases their size or become painful, it should be removed with surgery, benign tumors don’t grow back.

After being diagnosed with a tumor, a question frequently popped up in our minds. Is what I did wrong? Is this tumor going to take my life?

According to the theory, there is no cause of the benign tumor; it’s just abnormal growth of cells, but some might think it occurs due to genetic reasons. People having a history of tumors are prone to get this disease. Other than genetics, diet, and stress, local trauma, environmental toxins can also lead to abnormal growth of cells.

Benign tumors are not dangerous. However, uterine fibroids may cause pelvic pain and abdominal bleeding. In this case, your doctor will advise surgery.

Their treatment is determined by the type and place they begin to grow. The most common type of benign is adenomas, which grow in the epithelial layer of glands like the liver or thyroid gland, adenomas, can usually turn into the cancerous tumor with time. One out of every ten adenomas becomes cancerous in the colon; it can be removed by surgery. If a benign tumor is in the uterus, it is most likely to be called fibroids, which is non-cancerous but can be painful if they grow into the tissue of the uterus leading to pelvic pain, they may need surgical removal.

Osteochondromas are non-cancerous tumors in bones of children and adults leading to pain in joints and muscles; in most cases, these tumors don’t require treatment until it becomes excruciating.

Another type of benign tumor is nevi tumor which grows in the skin in various colors, shape, and size. Color change occurs when it has become cancerous.

Benign tumors can be easily diagnosed by physical examination, and if they are internal CT scans, MRI, X-rays can be done.

Benign tumors are usually left alone with the watch and wait for approach until it shows no symptoms and complications; as long as it doesn’t cause you any discomfort or pain, there is no need to get treatment. But it should be monitored if you see any changes in symptoms or in growth you should make your appointment with your doctor because sometimes it can become cancerous and early detection can make all the difference.

Don’t get panic if you have a tumor; maybe it’s just some harmless benign tumor. Get yourself checked.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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