What is memory loss?

Memory Loss

Have you come across a movie that left you in tears because of the actor or actress losing memories of his/her lover? Sounds awful right? That process is called memory loss. 

Memory loss: 

When you are having difficulty remembering something that happened recently or reminiscing memories of the past, memory loss takes place. 

Memory loss may last for a short period of time, or longer. It is possible that the forgotten events come back to your mind and your memory loss resolves-or it may never come back as well. Time can make your memory loss better or worse.  

Consider Watching These Video to Boost Your Memory.

Memory loss causes Amnesia, Dementia, Alzheimers, Progressive supranuclear palsy and Hydrocephalus.  


Memory loss can be caused because of many reasons, either slowly or rapidly.  

Brain tumours, cancer treatments, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants and brain radiation, all result in memory loss. It can also occur due to concussion, surgeries, brain infections or serious illness.  

Let’s take a look at other main reasons for memory loss: 


As you grow older, it is normal that the events in your brain start to fade. But when you see your Grandma or Grandpa forgetting people that is because of severe memory loss caused by diseases.  

Mental health problems: 

When a person goes through some traumas or events that have severe stressful effects on them, it causes memory loss. Bipolar disorders, depression and schizophrenia also contribute as a cause. 

Alcohol and drugs: 

Illegal drugs, overuse of medicines, excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco result in memory loss. Too much use of antidepressants, sleeping pills, tranquillizers, muscle relaxants, anxiety medications or pain relievers after surgeries all cause memory loss issues. 


Lyme disease, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, lack of vitamin B1 or B12 and lack of good proteins and fats in the diet result in memory loss.  


Due to smoking, the oxygen levels in the brain decrease. Chemicals used in these kinds of drugs make it difficult to remember events.  

Sleep deprivation: 

How much you sleep and how well you sleep, it plays an important role in maintaining your memory. Your proper sleep schedule keeps your brain in check and helps you remember or recall information. 

Depression and stress: 

It becomes difficult to focus on things when you’re depressed or stressed. Your concentration conflicts and you become distracted which affects your memory.  

Stroke and head injuries: 

Any kind of accidents that hit your head hard and injure your brain, affect your memory with short term or long term memory loss. Strokes can also lead to short term memory loss.  


If the problem of remembering daily events is increasing rapidly for you, it is better you have a check-up with your doctor who will carry out some tests. 

Your support to a person suffering from memory loss will be beneficial in treating them. Taking proper nutrients will help treat memory loss due to lack of nutrients. Treating depression and taking less stress will help in reducing memory loss. Changing medicines that cause memory loss will be helpful. Therapy, as well as time, will improve your memory.  

How great is your memory? Are you easily able to remember names, events, numbers or does it make you frustrated? Share your answers with us in the comments below. 


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