What Are Effects Of Birth Control?

Effects Of Birth Control

Birth control is also known as fertility control or contraception. It is the practice of preventing unwanted pregnancy through various methods, including contraceptives or pills, the most widely used. Birth control methods have their effectiveness and side effects as well. Since it is a procedure that interferes with hormones and changes its original release patterns, it somehow changes the body’s physiology for a particular period. It produces some after-effects, which generally get better with time.

There are many types of hormone-based contraceptives available in different forms, including pills, patches, intrauterine devices, etc. Almost the same pros and cons are reported for each type despite how an individual’s body responds to it. Your doctor will tell you which method is most effective for you. In the case of pills, if appropriately taken at the prescribed time and days, there are rare chances of an unplanned pregnancy. Implants are best if people have the problem taken pills regularly.

Birth control almost affects every system involving estrogen or progestin functions.

Reproductive system has the most prominent effects when your body is adjusting to contraceptives and mainly on the menstrual cycle, i.e., amenorrhea or excessive bleeding may occur. Other effects include breast tenderness, breast enlargement, bleeding or spotting between periods, but it may also help with menstrual cramps and premenstrual symptoms specifically in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Birth control also helps ease painful endometriosis symptoms.

Birth control increases both estrogen and progestin levels, which prevent the egg from leaving the ovary and thus no fertilization.

Studies show that on a long term basis, it decreases the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer and preventive in ovarian or breast growths.

When stop using, your reproductive system goes back to its normal function, chances of getting pregnant, normal regular release of hormones, and healthy menstrual cycle.

However, in rare cases, excessive bleeding can occur for a week.

Birth controls are also found to affect the central nervous system and the cardiac system, as well. It has been found to affect people with more side effects who are chain smokers or are age above 35, diabetic, have high blood pressure. It is likely to increase the rate of blood clot formation, especially in the cases mentioned above. The reason lies behind the extra hormones taken in the form of birth control pills or other hormonal methods. There is a chance of raised blood pressure, and obesity becomes a risk factor for such people.

When it comes to the brain, using hormonal birth control methods may result in migraines or worsen already present ones. This effect may vary from person to person and type of plan used from short to long-lasting.

Mood changes are frequent and sometimes depression too. All these effects are due to estrogen.

Birth controls have their effects on the digestive system by changing appetite and weight. Using hormonal methods increases appetite and result in weight gain. This effect is not direct and prominent when not controlled through a workout and a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes the weight gain is temporary mainly due to water retention by hormonal birth control.

These methods may also cause nausea and bloating at the start of therapy but gradually becomes used to it. People who had gallstone sometime in the past have a risk of reformation.

Avoid using if you suffer from vomiting or dark urine and see your doctor.

Due to changes in hormones, the integumentary system becomes sensitive and may result in either reduced acne or can worsen for some.

It has been found to work for hirsutism and with unwanted hair growth.

All these effects depend on each individual and the level of hormones. Some may experience pronounced impact while others do not experience any side effects at all.

Until Next time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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