Updated list of COVID-19 symptoms with six new symptoms by CDC


SARS-COV-2 has resulted in an outrageous pandemic that has been uncontrollable due to the variety of symptoms seen in different COVID-19 patients. The incubation period for coronavirus ranges between 2 to 14 days, however, the average incubation period ranges around 4-5 days. The incubation period is the one where the infected individual can transmit the disease to other individuals who are in direct contact with him or her without them realizing it and before the onset of the symptoms.

Severity of the disease:

Once the illness starts appearing the symptoms for COVID-19 can range from mild, moderate, or severe depending on the severity of the condition. It is because of this reason that healthcare professionals are unable to identify the disease in the early stage because some people show no symptoms. Some patients, however, exhibit severe symptoms leading to a condition like pneumonia or acute respiratory syndrome. This makes it difficult for the hospital staff to identify infected patients during the early stage and quarantine them. It is also because healthcare professionals are now facing a shortage of testing facilities and PPE which is essential for their protection as well. 

Significant symptoms of the covid-19:

The earlier symptoms of COVID-19 include dry and persistent cough, fever along with breathlessness. However, during this pandemic, CDC came to identify the new symptoms which emerged in the infected patients and due to which Centre of Disease Control and Prevention has now updated the list with six new COVID-19 symptoms. The latest addition of symptoms include:

  1. Muscle pain
  2. Shivering
  3. Chills
  4. Sore throat
  5. Headaches
  6. Loss of taste or smell

The latest symptoms which are now added to the list with the previously significant symptoms are now published in the list by CDC in order to confirm the diagnosis of patients with such symptoms as a COVID-19 patient. There are other symptoms as well which are also associated with COVID-19 such as skin rashes, diarrhea, fatigue which can lead to confusion as these symptoms are also associated with hay fever. However, hay fever is also linked with reddish eyes and a runny nose. Some infected people with COVID-19, however, remain asymptomatic due to their strong immune system but they are capable of transmitting the disease to other individuals.

The addition of loss of taste and smell symptom indicates that the patient is suffering from COVID-19. according to the European study, it was seen that 85.6-88% of the patients suffered from gustatory and olfactory dysfunctions respectively. according to the Iranian study, it was seen that 76% of COVID-19 patients experienced anosmia or loss of smell before the onset of the other symptoms.

Experts revealed the most likely first symptoms of COVID-19

According to Mario Ramirez who is the former acting director of the Office of Pandemics and Emerging threats said that the frequency of new symptoms in the latest disease keeps on changing with time even with recurrent diseases like seasonal influenza. recently CDC added these symptoms which shows their confidence as the healthcare professionals are also treating several patients worldwide with comparatively fewer deaths due to COVID-19. Ramirez also explained that we cannot jot down 15-20 symptoms, we need to be specific in terms of the symptoms so that the right people can come in and get themselves tested for the infection.

Importance of preventive measures:

CDC and WHO emphasize preventive measures to protect yourselves and others against COVID-19 because most of us might be infected but we appear asymptomatic. The wide variety of symptoms in COVID-19 patients makes it essential that we should maintain social distancing, wear protective gear when going at a public place, wash your hands frequently with soap or hand wash for 20 seconds and use sanitizer frequently if hand wash is not available.

covid-19 prevention

We must take preventive measures as most of us are unaware that we might be infected with the disease. According to the latest statistics, it is seen that most of the COVID-19 patients do recover but this infection can also turn into a severe, deadly illness affecting both healthy and young patients without any discrimination in gender or age. It is therefore vital to stay at home, maintain social distancing, and flatten the curve of this infectious disease during this pandemic affecting people worldwide.

CDC recommends to stay at home and manage the symptoms effectively. however, if you experience severe symptoms like breathlessness, persistent pain or chest pain, new inability or confusion, or bluish discoloration of the lips. You should get medical help.

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