The Secret to Weight Loss


The Secret to Weight Loss – Learning to Say NO

You might be a pleaser since your childhood. For example, you have been working hard day and night to please your parents, playing hard to win your coach’s heart, playing the chords well to please your music teacher, or hanging out all the time only to please your friends. So, you see most of the time it is about pleasing someone. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, it can either make you a valued and respected person in the friends and family. But most of the unhealthy things also begin with an inability to say “no”.

It might start right away from your home when your mother insists you on taking more of the food, or in your classroom where your teacher will give you a golden star on finishing your plate, etc. It is taught from the very childhood that leaving your plate unfinished is a bad manner. No matter if you could really eat that or not. Instead of learning good manners you can end up with bad eating habits.

Though in our society many people have a problem and they really can’t say “No” to anyone asking them. This is because they want themselves to be a part of the crowd. They want to blend with the people around them and this is what forces them to say “yes” though they like it or not. In fact, the epidemic of alcohol and drugs abuse may also be due to the same reason.

It might come from over-committing yourself to the things people ask you for. Your first step to eradicating this problem starts with understanding that you need to make some good changes to your eating habits and how doe sit affect your health. It can be difficult sometimes as all the families have different rituals and eating patterns too. Just like most of them do not consider smoking as a bad habit they may never learn to use the food in a more effective way.

The major secret to weight loss begins with your power of saying “No” to things you don’t want to do or eat. You need to understand that you need not go along with other people all the time just to please them and neglecting yourself. You are doing no good to yourself by accepting extra serving of pasta instead of harming yourself and gaining extra weight.

You may start your practice with a friend of you and say “no” to extra servings. In this way, you won’t feel awkward. Also, you will understand by the time that saying “no” to someone is not like the end of this world. it’s totally fine and people usually don’t mind it. Do not just sit back on your chair, making others feel that you are not confident about your decision of saying “no”. in fact, say it confidently and firmly so that no one may ask you again and again. You can also write down your thoughts about saying “no” every time and can figure out the ways to make it better every next time. It will help you find out saying “no” more easily next time and not hurting anyone.

One thing you need to understand that it is not your responsibility to fulfill everyone’s expectations. It is your life and you are free to make your own choices. So, just feel free to do something good to yourself, That’s totally not a bad manner.

©Doctor ASKY – All Rights Reserved


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