The Root cause of Autoimmune Diseases & Its Cure!

Autoimmune Diseases

There is a massive increase in the cases of autoimmune diseases, and the graph is still rising. A lot of effort is made to provide proper awareness to the people about this. Awareness programs are set up for delivering treatment information to the patients to make their lives better. Many celebrities, including Selena Gomez, was battling with an autoimmune disease in 2015.

What is an autoimmune disease?

Who is the Culprit for this? Many questions remain.

It’s a disease in which your immune system attacks your body incorrectly. Usually, the immune system protects against germs like viruses and bacteria. It sends out a group of warrior cells to attack them when it detects these invading forces. The body also targets and destroys its tissues. This also reduces the body’s ability to combat invaders, increasing susceptibility to infections. There are more than 80 autoimmune illnesses, and It is difficult to diagnose their symptoms. Autoimmune disease in females is more widespread and often occurs in families. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto thyroiditis are only a few over 100 diseases that fall into this category. Scientists also researched on mice. They examined intestines to detect inflammatory bacteria, or to generate antibodies which are known to stimulate an autoimmune response. Enterococcus gallinarum was held responsible for this. Firstly, the scientists weren’t able to identify the prevention of this disease. But they still tried to make it work by using various vaccines and antibiotics. The vaccine against Enterococcus gallinarum was made, but it wasn’t able to provide the desired results; on the other hand, it wasn’t able to combat autoimmunity.

Furthermore, every disease has some symptoms that detect it to be a disease. The signs of autoimmune disease could be symptoms such as weakness, muscle aches, swelling, and redness. Over time symptoms will come and go.

Moreover, there are several approaches done to eliminate autoimmune diseases. Some treatments are considered to be taken seriously for patients who are fighting this disease. Antibiotic therapy and other strategies like vaccination are encouraging ways of improving the lives of autoimmune disease patients. Medications can not heal autoimmune conditions but can control overactive immune reaction and reduce irritation or reduce pain and inflammation at least. The vaccines can lower down the levels of inflammatory.


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