Most Animals Can Eat Lots of Raw Meat So Why Can’t We?

Animals Can Eat Raw Meat So Why Cant We

To address this question, first of all, we need to look at some assumptions lying beneath it. First, can animals eat raw meat without any risks? The answer is no, not at all. Several animals come into contact with various diseases and parasites after eating the flesh of other animals. It is one of the reasons carnivores are consumed less commonly than herbivores. Carnivores, which rely on raw meat only, are harder to keep healthy via their food source.

The second assumption is that humans cannot eat raw meat, which is so not true. A rare blue steak is raw and only cooked from its edges. But steak tartare is typically raw, spiced beef. So, it is not like that we can’t eat raw meat. But meat in its natural form is quite risky as it is for a lion and even more. Because our stomach is less adaptable to digest uncooked beef. Another significant difference is lion tends to eat its prey immediately after the kill. But for us, it is not possible to eat as much as we require and leave the rest. Only humans have to store it for long periods. The longer the flesh is rotting, the more will be the chances of associated problems with raw meat.

Animals are much better at eating raw meat than we are. The most straightforward possible answer to the question is “evolution.” A vulture, for example, eats exclusively rotten food, and as a result, has a stomach that is adaptable to such hazardous materials. Most carnivores have a high content of acid in their stomachs as compared to humans that kill most of the parasites. Lions can’t build fires on their own, so they have to compromise with their biology. No digestive tract is perfect, and still their remains a chance of acquiring a disease.

Now the question arises that our ancestors relied on eating raw meat until they discovered fire? They seemed to be more capable of digesting uncooked food than today we are. How does the evolution process make us less adaptable? There are several theories to support the argument. It is the digestive efficiency of our stomachs. Cooked meat has less energy and nutrition than does raw meat, but what nutrients it does have is much easier to access. Probably this is the fact our ancestors were not aware of. The cooking process helps to break down complex protein strands and leads to easier digestion than just consuming the raw nutrients.

Some studies have even suggested that raw meat was incapable of providing calories required to create our big, complex brains. Also, the process of cooking helped us in this process of evolution. Today, cooking seems much a convenient option than to chew raw meat. Moreover, our digestive systems may have played a significant role in making us the sort of social animals we are today.

Our brains are way more functional today and ready to take measured steps towards food safety. Now, we know how to store meat properly and reduce the risks associated with raw meat. Although eating cooked meat is a much safe option. On a societal scale, fresh beef is unsafe; that would cause many health risks. However, it’s not that a big deal at all. With new measures of food safety, you can enjoy eating raw meat, steaks with the least risk possible. 

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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