Five Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

Five Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

In the current era, mental health has undoubtedly become as crucial as physical wellbeing. One in every five U.S adults experiences mental illness each year. The following ways prove to be beneficial in improving an individual’s mental wellbeing:

1. Prioritize your sleep.
Researchers and mental health professionals have found a close link between restorative sleep and improved mental wellbeing. Chronic sleep deprivation affects approximately 50% to 80% of psychiatric patients in the United States. According to neurochemistry, regular and adequate sleeping patterns promote emotional flexibility whereas chronic sleep issues lead to negative thinking and neurochemical imbalances leading to mental disorders such as anxiety, clinical depression, bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Moreover, studies suggest that consistent sleep disruption affects neurotransmitter release, which might impair emotional regulation and normal behavioral patterns. Hence, it is recommended to practise sleep hygiene and get an adequate seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Consider watching this video to know more about 5 ways to keep your brain healthy….

2. Exercise regularly.

According to neurologists, physical activity can be as effective as medication or psychotherapies. Regular aerobic exercises are known to rapidly reduce anxiety by decreasing stress hormone levels. Additionally, exercises involving flexibility and balance are also linked to improved symptoms among depressed individuals, as exercise promotes the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, that assist in improving your mood. Frequent yoga practice also decreases the severity of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Even thirty minutes of moderate physical activity every day can not only alleviate your mood but also instill within you an overall sense of mental wellbeing and emotional peace.

3. Eat healthily.  
A well-balanced diet not only improves your overall metabolism but also enhances your mood and prevents mental illnesses, according to recent researches. Studies depict that individuals who consume Mediterranean and traditional Japanese diets that are rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, are 25% to 30% less likely to develop mental health disorders later in life. These diets are also void of processed meat and saturated fats. A diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed food sources is closely connected with impaired brain function which results in mood disorders. Fish containing Omega-3 fatty acids, which affect serotonin level, boost mental health along with leafy greens, berries, wholegrains and nuts.

4.  Practise meditation.
Meditation, particularly the kind involving mindfulness as the core element, is one of the most effective ways to manage stress and reduce symptoms related to mood disorders and psychological illness. Because meditation consists of deep thinking and focus, it instills a feeling of mental peace and inner relaxation. A 2014 study reveals that over eight weeks of mindful meditation, individuals experienced significant improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms. During the state of tranquility, the brain is triggered to generate neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins, that induce feelings of enhanced focus and calm. Meditation also reverses the impact of stress hormones and prevents emotional turbulence.  

5. Limit alcohol consumption.
Excessive alcohol consumption not only slows down the central nervous system but also directly affects the release of chemical messengers in the brain, leading to hormonal imbalance and hence, mood disorders. The chemical changes in the brain brought about by high alcohol levels in the blood can trigger negative feelings such as anger, anxiety, and even clinical depression in the long run. Heavy drinking also results in decreased serotonin levels, which can progress towards mental illness. Moreover, alcoholism may worsen the symptoms of already existing mental health conditions by adversely impacting the brain regions associated with cognitive function and emotional regulation.

Mental health is extremely vital and we must strive to protect it.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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