Early Signs And Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Warning Signs Of Heart Attack Women Always Ignore

Your heart is one of the vital organs of the body without which one cannot survive. However, many people suffer from cardiovascular problems all over the globe. Unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and rising obesity is making cardiac issues more prevalent. This often leads to medical emergencies like heart attacks. A heart attack or myocardial infarction is a medical condition in which your cardiac muscles don’t get enough oxygen due to limited blood supply. Lack of oxygen for more extended periods can permanently damage your heart muscles. The most common causes of a heart attack include blocked arteries due to plaque deposition. They are a medical emergency that requires immediate intervention, which would be fatal otherwise. But how do you know if you or a loved one is having a heart attack?

The early signs and manifestations of a heart attack include chest discomfort or pain. It would help if you never ignored chest pain. Though not all incidences of chest pain are caused by heart issues, that caused by a heart attack has a specific pattern that you can distinguish from the rest. This pain usually starts in the center or left side of the chest and usually lasts more than a few minutes. The discomfort or pain often feels like a squeezing pressure or sensation of fullness.

You may also feel weak or lightheaded. Your body and brain require oxygen to work correctly. A lack of oxygen in the heart means a lack of oxygen to the body as well. When your body’s oxygen requirements aren’t met, you feel lightheaded. Some people may also faint. Other symptoms include breaking out into cold sweats.

Someone having a heart attack may also experience pain in the left shoulder. Though other reasons may cause shoulder pain, if it is accompanied by pain in the jaw, neck, and back, it is probably due to a heart attack. This happens because the nervous pathways are connected. When your heart is experiencing pain or damage, the relevant or related nervous courses can cause pain. This phenomenon is also called referred pain.

Consider watching this video to know more about the signs of a heart attack…

It would be best if you look out for shortness of breath and difficulty inhaling. The squeezing sensation in the chest and intense pain can be accompanied by breathing difficulties. Breathlessness is one of the most prevalent symptoms of a heart attack. This may occur at rest or during activity. When your heart cannot fill in or empty blood, the pressure inside the lungs’ blood vessels rises, leading to dyspnea.

Other symptoms of a heart attack may involve unusual fatigue or nausea. Since the heart is not working efficiently and the oxygen requirements are not met, the body suffers from a lack of energy causing fatigue and excessive tiredness.

If you notice these warning signs of a heart attack in yourself or in a loved one, contact emergency medical services immediately. A quick step can save a life and reduce the risk of damage to the heart. Also, lifestyle modifications like a healthy diet and exercise can help you prevent cardiac issues altogether. You should also avoid unhealthy habits, including smoking and excessive alcohol consumption that damage the heart.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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