Different types of gastritis

Types of gastritis

Gastritis is a condition where the person suffers from inflammation along with abdominal pain. Gastritis is characterized by nausea, bloating, vomiting along with radiating pain. The vomit appears yellowish, clear or green with gastritis and it depends on the severity of the condition. Other than these symptoms the patient suffers from fainting, dizziness, fever, breathing difficulty, rapid heartbeat or excessive sweating. Gastritis symptoms can turn into severe complications like stomach bleeding or ulcers. Chronic gastritis can result in tumors or stomach growths.

There are different types of gastritis with different causes which result in the above-mentioned symptoms. But how does gastritis develop? It occurs once the protective stomach lining gets weak and the digestive juices start attacking the stomach walls leading to inflammation.

The types of gastritis include the following:

Erosive gastritis which is a severe form of gastritis and results in an inflammatory response. The inflammation within the stomach results in wearing down of the stomach lining. An example of erosive gastritis includes acute stressful gastritis which results in changes within the stomach lining causing critical illness. Erosive gastritis occurs rapidly but takes a longer period when compared to chronic gastritis. 

Non-Erosive gastritis on the other hand only results in changes within the stomach lining.

H.pylori gastritis is the type where the bacterial infection occurs within the stomach lining due to H.pylori bacteria.

Atrophic gastritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune type of gastritis where the body stops absorbing iron from the bloodstream. This autoimmune condition also prevents the absorption of Vitamin B12 due to which it can result in anemia in the latter cases. The immune system starts attacking the stomach lining where it starts damaging the stomach lining.

Post gastrectomy gastritis is the type where the part of stomach lining starts degenerating once the part of the stomach is removed. The cause of this condition is unknown but it is assumed that when gastrectomy occurs, the increased reflux, vagal nerve reaction or reduced acid secretion due to the hormones.

Infectious gastritis occurs due to viral or fungal infections in individuals who suffer from long-term illness or immune disorders.

Radiation gastritis is the type of gastritis where the abdominal part of the body is exposed to radiations and it results in irritation of the stomach lining.

Eosinophilic gastritis is the form that occurs due to certain allergic reactions which are still unknown.

Menetrier disease is a rare condition where the disease involves the stomach lining and results in the formation of thick folds or cysts.

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The exact cause of gastritis is still unknown but the main reasons behind gastritis include contaminated food, used cutlery, water, and other various causes. The risk factors of gastritis include caffeine intake, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, viral, fungal or bacterial infections, stressful situations, cocaine use, and use of NSAID’s, regular intake of medicines, chemo or radiotherapy. Gastritis can also occur due to swallowing of the foreign objects, suffering from an autoimmune disorder like type 1 diabetes or Hashimotos disease, vitamin B 12 deficiency, HIV, Chron’s disease, food allergies, and chronic vomiting history.

The diagnosis of gastritis is an important key to evaluate the condition. The diagnostic tests include complete physical examination, medical history, stool test, blood test or breath test for H.pylori identification, endoscopy, and electrocardiogram. In some cases of gastritis, X-rays are also done for the stomach, small intestine and esophagus to identify the exact cause. Once the condition is diagnosed, it is better to focus on dietary and lifestyle changes to enjoy a healthy life. For further consultation visit the healthcare professional and get yourself treated.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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